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Webinar - Travel Transitions: Responding to Shifting Mobility Trends

Tid: Må 2021-09-20 kl 10.00 - 11.00

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This online event will share insights from the International Transport Forum report Travel Transitions: How Transport Planners and Policy Makers Can Respond to Shifting Mobility Trends , produced by ITF Working Group on Urban Travel Transition and New Mobility Behaviours in Light of Covid-19. The principal authors of each of the report's four chapters will present their findings followed by an interactive "question and answer" session.

Mistra SAMS deputy program director Karolina Isaksson is one of the authors of the report.

Travel behaviour has evolved in unexpected ways in urbanised areas in the early 21st century. The report examines how significant breaks with past trends happened - and why these shifts were not foreseen. The Covid-19 pandemic adds to uncertainty about future demand to travel. Forecast-led transport planning is not well equipped to handle uncertainty. The report presents new approaches which explicitly address uncertainty, are vision-led and enable the development of resilient plans. It also considers how governance and institutions can be adapted to support such a paradigm shift.

More information and registration at ITF website