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WP Citizen

This WP is focused on exploring the potential of new mobility and accessibility services from a citizen perspective.

The point of departure for this WP is that new mobility and accessibility services have the potential to contribute to sustainable travel, but that this potential ultimately depends on what types of services that are developed and offered, for whom and in what socio-spatial context.

Task C1 - Civic involvement: insights and experiences from promising cases

The aim of this task is to explore previous examples of sustainable citizenship, by looking specifically into aspects of civic involvement in Avoid, Shift and Improve approaches  in the transport system. We will analyse especially promising cases that have evoked a sustainable citizenship in relation to transport. This research task will provide us with insights and inspiration regarding possible ways to shape and implement more sustainable accessibility and mobility services, which build on active citizen involvement, and which take diversity into consideration.

The work will be focused on the following research questions:

  • What is the “best practice” of involving citizens with different prerequisites in the design and implementation of digitally supported services for mobility and accessibility?
  • How and why do citizens in these examples contribute to sustainable development through their mobility practices?
  • How have these examples ensured civic involvement in processes that otherwise tend to be led by market- and/or policy actors?
  • What are the key experiences of challenges in these examples in terms of sustainable citizenship, and how can these be mitigated.

Task C2: Citizens’ ideas of sustainable mobility and accessibility

The aim of this task is to explore imaginaries, values and norms among citizens in Riksten regarding a climate-neutral and socially just transport system. In this WP we explore how such a system could look like but also possible contradictions between attitudes supporting sustainability on the one hand, and unsustainable mobility practices, on the other. We explore how they view the relation between sustainability and their mobility practices, explore the barriers that inhibit more sustainable mobility practices, and probe into whether the citizens living their everyday life in Riksten can and want to take on the role of sustainable citizens in the transport system.

More specifically, this task will explore the following research questions:

  • How do the target groups of citizens imagine, relate to and reason about sustainable mobility and accessibility?
  • What type of change(s) do they think need to be carried out, by whom, when and how?
  • What roles do they think that they themselves could or should take in achieving a sustainable transport system? 

Task C3 - Exploring citizens’ possibilities to shift to sustainable mobility and accessibility

The aim of this task is to provide empirically grounded insights regarding digital mobility and accessibility services’ possible impact on sustainability and accessibility. In concrete terms, we will explore, in close collaboration with LL3 , what mobility and accessibility practices that digitally supported mobility services lead to, and whether these are sustainably sound.

In this task we will explore the following research questions:

  • What are the initial mobility practices, level of accessibility and transport-related climate footprint of the citizens from the two target groups?
  • What are their experiences when trying out the tailored mobility and accessibility services? How are their practices altered and what dilemmas and challenges do they encounter?
  • How are their overall level of accessibility and climate footprint affected over the timespan of LL3?