Mistra SAMS examines services for sustainable accessibility and mobility from around the world. You will find examples here, along with findings regarding the framework needed for such services to be successful. You will also find opinon pieces from researchers in the Mistra SAMS programme.
The many benefits of a co-working hub
Establishing a work hub in the suburbs has many benefits for the individual, who thus avoids commuting and reduces everyday stress. Reduced travel is in turn positive for the climate. An increased daytime population in the neighbourhood also creates a better basis for services and contributes to a safer environment.
Living Lab Riksten: Design for Sustainable Mobility
See the short film in which researchers and co-researchers talk about the year in Living Lab Riksten. What were their insights and what do they hope for the future?
Lisa Hellsing, politician in Botkyrka Municipality, talks about the research results from a planning perspective.
Connecting mobility and accessibility solutions that are tested by Mistra SAMS to a broader municipal planning context, by exploring what they might imply for strategic planning, Mistra SAMS arranged a workshop series for municipal planners and strategists within traffic planning, neighborhood development and environment.
The SAMSAS app allows participants to plan their journeys, book transport and different types of bicycles. Photo: Magnus Atterfors
Challenge of living without a car
The families have been given access to modes of transport designed to simplify commuting to work and other everyday journeys while also reducing dependence on their own cars. The vehicles - electric bikes, electric scooters, electric box bikes and public taxis - could be used for a small fee, roughly equivalent to the cost of public transport. Bookings are made via an app.
Many ideas and experiences from Living Lab Riksten
Living Lab Riksten in Tullinge studied initiatives for more sustainable ways of travelling, together with 14 co-researcher households. Botkyrka Municipality and Region Stockholm are collaboration partners in the project.
The project focuses both on the co-researcher households and on how knowledge is built within the municipality and politics.
Interview with Dr. Jacqueline Klopp on Mistra SAMS research
When asked about the Mistra SAMS research program, Dr. Jacqueline Klopp stresses the importance of the research program bringing research out of the ivory tower, using living labs to co-create research together with citizens, policy makers and businesses. Providing new mobility services with the living labs, the researchers can test different modes of mobility in real life, getting away from the dependance on cars.
Job shuttle explores new ways of getting to and from work
Public transport is rarely matched with working hours. It is particularly noticeable for those who work within healthcare and other care services and who are often scheduled early mornings, late evenings or weekends. For those who do not have a car, it often results in long and difficult working days.
The SAMSAS shuttle is a demand-responsive transport service with a taxi developed at KTH and VTI. The shuttle addresses low-income groups with poor access to public transport and raises awareness about this group’s travel situation.
Enriching transformation processes with citizen participation
An important point of departure for our work in Mistra SAMS is that a multitude of actors need to be involved in order to steer society towards a socially just and sustainable transport system. The active involvement of citizens in the transformation processes is crucial.
Supporting integrated learning in ‘beyond the flagship’ settings
Living Lab Riksten’s location in a semi-suburban area outside of Stockholm means that it differs considerably from many other sites where living labs have been established. In our research we use the phrase “beyond the flagship” to refer to areas such as Riksten and study their specific challenges.
The perspective of market actors’ on transport transformation
Understanding what conditions are needed for market actors and entrepreneurs to accelerate the pace of the required transformation toward a climate-neutral and socially just transport system is another focus area for Mistra SAMS phase 2.
Mistra SAMS co-working hub in Tullinge was developed as a living lab 2019–2021, and then run for a year as a commercial pilot by Botkyrka municipality in collaboration with a local space-sharing entrepreneur, Vakansa. Several new leads were gained from the research.
Minister for Financial Markets and Housing, Per Bolund, visited Mistra SAMS work hub in Tullinge.
‘The idea of the hub is that those who work here will avoid unnecessary trips. But to find out what works, we have to experiment,’ says Anna Kramers, Programme Manager of Mistra SAMS, during the visit.
Mistra SAMS Living Lab with a work hub in Tullinge is having an impact in the daily lives of the sixty-some participants in the study. The press team from KTH recently visited the work hub and talked to some of the people who work there regularly.
The consequences of our designs: a look into electric scooter service systems
Electric scooters promised us a sustainable mobility future – a more ecological way of moving people. PhD student Liridona Sopjani have conducted a study on e-scooter's environmental effects and associated ecosysems in Los Angeles.