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Work package Synthetize

The synthetizing work will be set in motion from the start, to ensure that all perspectives are taken into account in designing LL3, and in designing and implementing other research activities. Findings will be continuously synthetized throughout the program to develop a holistic view which feeds back into the knowledge building process.


The aim of this WP is to connect and synthetize perspectives and results throughout the time frame of the program, and ensure a holistic approach among the researchers and perspectives involved.

The work-package is organized through two main tasks. Task 1 will provide a structure for discussing theoretical perspectives, key concepts and methods throughout the program (to bind together the researchers involved in WP LLD, WP C, WP P, WP M and WP SF). It will build a specifically close collaboration with Task L3 in WP LLD. Task 2 will focus on the results of the work, and provide a structure for synthetizing perspectives and findings along the way. It will also support the researchers active in different WPs, and connect their results to the overarching goals and approaches of the program as a whole.

Work package leader

The leader of this work package is Karolina Isaksson, VTI


Task S1: Theoretical perspectives, key concepts and methods


The aim of this task is to keep the interdisciplinary research process and knowledge development alive, by means of joint seminars on theoretical perspectives, methods and related research of key relevance to the work. The emphasis will be on developing an in-depth academic discussion around key concepts and perspectives of relevance to this work.


This task will be carried out in the form of a series of seminars for all researchers in the program (1 per month). Societal partners who are directly involved in the actual research work will also be invited. The seminars will discuss and explore theoretical frameworks, key concepts and/or methods used in the program, aspects which the researchers in the program should know about or which could provide a platform for transdisciplinary collaboration and joint writing.


The work carried out in S1 will deliver a seminar series and provide annual reports with documentation from the seminars and transdisciplinary discussions. This will eventually form the basis for a peer review paper on transdisciplinary knowledge production, to be finalized in 2024.

Task leader: Karolina Isaksson, VTI

Task S2: Synthetizing results


Task S2 aims to link together results which emerge from the specific research tasks carried out within the program by developing a joint synthesis for the program as a whole.


This task will provide a structure for synthetizing perspectives and findings along the way, supporting researchers in different WPs to relate their results to each other’s work and connecting it explicitly to the overarching goals and approaches of the program. The task will also provide an arena for identifying (in close collab. with Research Communication) ways in which results from the program can provide input for transdisciplinary learning on sustainable accessibility and mobility to others than the key partners of the program, and provide a structure for this.

The task will be carried out through internal and external seminars and workshops (at least twice a year), where researchers and other active partners from different WPs and tasks will present preliminary and final findings, explore and communicate links between ongoing work in different WPs, and identify new issues/aspects to be explored and analyzed collaboratively by different WPs and task teams. Another issue to focus on at these events is to find themes and topics of relevance to communicate to selected target groups, for instance through short films, debate articles and blogposts for social media (the timing of these will be based upon the mapping carried out in Program Communication). Toward the end of the program the work will focus on final reporting, identifying lessons for policy and arranging joint writing sessions around both academic publications and other deliverables. This WP also has a specific role in supporting WP PM and Program Communication in the preparations for the results conference in the end.


Documentation from a seminar (Q3 2021) for national policy actors, around 10 blogposts and 3-5 short films to be circulated on the program homepage and on social media (in close collab. with Research Communication and researchers in the program), 1 debate article for a Swedish newspaper, 1 edited special issue in an established international peer-reviewed journal (to be finalized in Q1 2024), and one edited practice-oriented anthology in Swedish, based upon research in the program, which will be finalized Q2 2024

Task leader: Karolina Isaksson, VTI