Mistra SAMS at CIT 19
Several Mistra SAMS researchers presented at ITRL:s CIT 19 conference, June 13-14
is the platform to discuss how disruptive technologies influence the mobility ecosystem and how they could affect different stakeholders. CIT19 aims to assess the potentials of emerging disruptive technologies for mobility solutions and consider their impacts on travel and transport as well as on different stakeholders.
Extended abstracts from Mistra SAMS
Exploring everyday mobility by use of interventions aimed at incentivizing greener choices (pdf 96 kB) Martin Sjöman, Tina Ringensson, Anna Kramers
The transport sector in transition: pathways for data handling in four selected urban regions (pdf 90 kB) Erika Kriukelyte
Policy instruments for sustainable accessibility and mobility in urban areas (pdf 49 kB) Anna Kramers, Tobias Carlsson
Exploring everyday mobility by use of interventions aimed at incentivizing greener choices (pdf 96 kB) Martin Sjöman, Tima Ringensso, Anna Kramers