Call for papers: Environinfo 2017
Luxembourg, September 13-15
Published Apr 11, 2017
Environinfo is a long standing and established international and interdisciplinary conference series on leading environmental information and communication technologies.
The topic of the conference is Environmental Informatics – From Science to Society: The Bridge provided by Environmental Informatics
Due to the interdisciplinary character of environmental informatics there is a wide range of topics that are traditionally covered by the conference:
- Cross-border collaboration and issues and environmental informatics
- Environmental Modelling and Simulation
- Applications of Geographical Information Systems
- Environmental Health, Consumer Protection and Quality of Life
- Risk Assessment and Resilience
- Software Tools and Environmental Databases
- Environmental Communication, Open Access to Data
- Energy Informatics and Environmental Informatics
- Environmental Informatics Research in Horizon 2020
- Design, Sustainability and Green Software Engineering
Submission deadline for full papers is April 17.