Mistra Sustainable Accessibility and Mobility Services (SAMS)
Mistra SAMS is a research programme that studies digitally supported services for accessibility and mobility, and their potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector. The program is hosted and managed by KTH Royal Institute of Technology in close cooperation with VTI, Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute.

Mistra SAMS is funded by Mistra, The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research, and is a co-operation of partners from academia, industry and the public sector. The partners are K2 – the Swedish knowledge centre for public transport, University of Karlstad, Lund University, Swedish Transport Administration, City of Stockholm, Botkyrka kommun, Ericsson, Sveriges Ingenjörer, Taxiförbundet, Smart Resenär.
A transdisciplinary and integrative research programme
Mistra SAMS uses a deep transdisciplinary approach, which involves both interdisciplinarity and a close collaboration with users and practitioners. The involved researchers come from engineering, behavioural, design and social sciences. The program uses multiple methodologies that include a “living lab” approach.
The living lab is based on collaboration and dialogue between researchers and stakeholders (e.g. entrepreneurs, service providers, transport and urban planners) and strong engagements with user groups, who functions as “co-researchers” in a continuous innovation and knowledge building process.
Together with the co-researchers, Mistra SAMS investigates how actors can facilitate societal transition to platform-based sustainable accessibility and mobility services.
Mistra SAMS aims to provide knowledge useful for urban and regional actors responsible for traffic and accessibility, as well as digital and transport infrastructure (mainly regional authorities and municipalities). The research results can also be relevant for actors with planning and decision-making responsibility on a national and European level.
Mistra SAMS is built up from a number of connected research projects, called work packages. You will find further information about each work package through the website menu.