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Using living labs to innovate sustainable mobility systems

Dr. Jacqueline Klopp from the International Scientific Advisory Panel, on Mistra SAMS research.

Published Sep 14, 2023

Mistra SAMS is an important research program in the face of climate change, says Dr. Jacqueline Klopp. And the innovating living lab approach makes for very interesting research, she says.

"Building sustainable mobility systems that creates access is very important for our lives and for the planet,"
says Dr. Jacqueline Klopp.

The Mistra SAMS research deals with built in challenges in the layout of cities and suburbian areas, which privilages car travel. The research projects use living labs to explore other modes of mobility, creating more choice for people. Car dependance is often built into the neighbourhods, with little access to other options.

"This is a huge problem for young people, for elderly people, people with disablities, or basically a lot of people who don't drive, or don't want to drive."

Brings research out of the ivory tower

Dr. Jacqueline Klopp is Co-director of the Center for Sustainable Urban Development at the Columbia University. And she is a member of the International Scientific Advisory Panel - ISAP, which contributes to the scientific assessment of Mistra SAMS, evaluating research height and innovation.

Her research into sustainable transport, data and technology, explores the intersection between infrastructure, land use, pollution, and climate change.

When asked about the Mistra SAMS research program, she stresses the importance of the research program bringing research out of the ivory tower, using living labs to co-create research together with citizens, policy makers and businesses. Providing new mobility services with the living labs, the researchers can test different modes of mobility in real life, getting away from the dependance on cars.

Text: Jenny Rosen