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Blockchain Technology and its role in Mobility as a Service

Published Jan 26, 2018

How could blockchain technology be a foundation for designing a combined Mobility as a Ser­vice platform that benefits all of the involved stakeholders? A recent lunch seminar at ITRL explored this question.

The Chalmers graduates Patrik Andersson, M.Sc. in Management and Economics of Innovation, and Joel Torstensson, M.Sc. in Complex Adaptive Systems, presented their master thesis on the topic. During the , they covered the technical viability and economic impatcs of a blockchain-based MaaS platform and will also present a simplified technical specification for such a platform.

What is blockhain?

The video below gives an overview.

Implications for MaaS

Learn more about the implications of blockchain technology in MaaS through Patrik Andersson and Joel Torstenssons presentation:

Presentation January 16, MaaS and Blockchain (pdf 2.6 MB)