Book release: Rättvist resande?
The new book Rättvist resande?: Villkor, utmaningar och visioner för samhällsplaneringen will be released at Transportforum.
Time: Wed 2024-01-17 10.00 - Thu 2024-01-18 15.30
The new volume on transport justice: ”Rättvist resande? Villkor, utmaningar och visioner för samhällsplaneringen” is published in open access . The book is edited by Mistra SAMS researcher Malin Henriksson, Tanja Joelsson (Stockholms university) and Dag Balkmar (Örebro University).
The anthology includes ten chapters and cover topics such as school trips from a historical perspective, car dependency among families in rural areas and a critical perspective on mobility and accessibility services. In a chapter discussing how to measure accessibility, Mistra SAMS researchers Lars E Olsson, Margareta Friman and Katrin Lättman present findings from a survey on everyday travel in Riksten, Botkyrka municipality.
The conference Transportforum is held in Swedish, in Linköping, 17-18 January.